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Bb Accreditation is an industry recognised standard, externally assessed by independent auditors, and designed in line with the Business Plan Criteria and the National Guiding Principles for a BID.

Accreditation provides assurance to the Board, the team, levy payers and partners that the BID is well run, and that the right governance, financial and management processes are in place.   

The accountability and transparency of a BID is critical, and adherence to the accreditation standards provides stakeholders with a reassurance that a BID is operating in accordance with these expectations.

The Accreditation process is completed online alongside an Assessor.

Accreditation provides an assessment of the following BID components;

Governance - The selection process and effectiveness of the board, directors, and members of the BID.

Management and operations - The staffing structure, contracts, appraisals, insurance, and data protection.

Finance - The BID’s financial systems and procedures.

Performance Management – How the BID manages and reviews performance, and how levy payers and engaged and involved in the BID and its work.

Communication and reporting - The BID’s communications plan and processes, how its activities and impact are reported to levy payers, and how the return on investment for levy payers is assessed.

  • Accreditation provides the BID's operational team and their BID Boards reassurance and peace of mind through advising them on what is required to run a well-managed BID.
  • Helps prepare for new term ballots - accreditation adheres to the National BID Industry Criteria which many national voters follow when it comes to voting in BID ballots. Accredited BIDs can refer to this in their business plan.
  • Provides positive endorsement from British BIDs, the Industry Body evidencing the quality of work the BID undertakes and its robust governance procedures.
  • Increases operational effectiveness and a comprehensive review of standards and compliance with the BID legislation.
  • Provides reassurance to levy payers that the BID has effective governance in place and is accountable, transparent, accountable and trustworthy.
  • Provides feedback and advice on the BID’s processes to relay to the Board.
  • Provides a certificate for BIDs who meet the criteria for accreditation – can be used on the BID's website, literature, email footers etc

“Our Directors and operations team recognised that this process was an important one to provide reassurance to businesses that we have robust process and systems in place. The process was straightforward and worthwhile. I would recommend this process to other BIDs.” - Scott Dolling, BID Manager, Southend City BID

"The accreditation process really helped when writing up the business proposals for our ballot." - James Payne, Projects Officer, Your Pontypridd BID

“I found the process effective and efficient with excellent communications from British BIDs. We used the process as part of our company mid term review for which it certainly helped us look afresh at our BID and provided reassurance on the practices and processes we have in place. Like any business development is important, the accreditation process helped this by identifying areas we could improve and develop which we have now implemented.” – Russell Greenslade, Chief Executive, Swansea BID

"Going through the accreditation enabled the company to take a step back and re-evaluate how we are operating, look at what we are doing well, and where we can improve. It also provided the Board with a certain level of confidence about how the company is managed, while identifying areas where we can improve, something the Board are always keen to do. I would recommend Bb accreditation to other BIDs." - Maria Manion, Chief Executive, Cambridge BID

"This accreditation provides our board, partners and levy payers with the confidence that the company is being managed to a high standard and the security that we have a robust and transparent governance system." - Bob Balu, Chairman, Soho Road BID

The process is extremely straightforward. Once you decide you would like to undertake accreditation an Assessor will organise a convenient time to run through the assessment form alongside you. There are most commonly two or three calls needed to run through the requirements. Once completed, the form is sent to the Accreditation Board (made up of National BIDs Advisory Board members) for any queries or ratification.

The Assessor's role is to support you and they can also provide templates as required. 

Accreditation lasts for three years.

The cost of accreditation is £975 for British BIDs members with their 25% discount. The cost for non-members is £1,300.

If you would like to ensure that you are compliant with industry accreditation standards, please email mel.richardson@britishbids.info.

Currently accredited BIDs include:

Bristol Broadmead BID

Cambridge BID

Fleet BID

FOR Cardiff

Hammersmith London

Ilford BID 

Its in Nottingham

Merthyr Tydfil


Newcastle-under-Lyme BID

North Notts BID

Northfield BID

One Maidstone BID

Our Colchester BID

Plymouth Waterfront BID

Poole BID

Sidcup Partners

Soho Road BID

South Bank BID

Southend City BID

Sunderland BID

Swansea BID

Watford BID

Weymouth BID

Winchester BID

Worcester BID