British BIDs is supported by an independent Advisory Board whose members include representatives from BIDs across the UK and Ireland, industry leaders, national BID voters, and leading property managers. Representatives from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities attend Advisory Board meetings as observers.
The Board supports the work of British BIDs, steers our future growth, and provides leadership and policy advice to the wider industry. The evolving needs of our members remains an important priority and in a changing policy landscape, the Board enables us to be close to the views within the BID industry, as well as providing advice on our future strategy.
Terms of reference can be read here.
Current Advisory Board members are:
Central District Alliance, Fleet Street Quarter, Eastern City Partnership, Whitehall BID, Qualis Community, Long Acre Business Alliance, Victoria Westminster BID, Harley Street Medical Area, Northbank BID, Victoria BID, Cheapside Business Alliance BID, Hatton Garden BID, Aldgate Connect BID, Old Street District.
Central District Alliance, Fleet Street Quarter, Eastern City Partnership, Whitehall BID, Qualis Community, Long Acre Business Alliance, Victoria Westminster BID, Harley Street Medical Area, Northbank BID, Victoria BID, Cheapside Business Alliance BID, Hatton Garden BID, Aldgate Connect BID, Old Street District.