Each year we share our Annual Survey and Report which captures the most up-to-date data for the entire BID industry in the British Isles. Those that attended the 2021 National BIDs Conference enjoyed an exclusive preview of the survey data, and today we are pleased to share with you the full 15th Annual Survey.
The last eighteen months, since March 2020, have been turbulent, with the Covid-19 pandemic bringing about lockdowns, varying levels of control across the five countries in the British Isles, and a dramatic impact on the business community. Some of this we tracked and recorded in the research we did with the NEF last year; other pieces of relevant research we have announced in our monthly Insight.
The purpose and uses of this 15th Annual Survey which we have released today are important.
We hope you find it useful and please do get in touch with us if you'd like to ask any questions.